Geocoding api

Search adresses with confidence

Geocoding API (or Forward Geocoding) lets you convert addresses to latitude/longitude.
Our API returns well-formed and accurate addresses along with their geographical coordinates. Display addresses on a map, use them to plan a delivery route, or estimate the distance between locations for your drivers or customers. For example, when you search "14 Grange Rd., London " with Geocode API, it will take you to "14 Grange Road, London, N6 4DG, United Kingdom " with longitude: -0.1537649, latitude: 51.576525, and offer other helpful information such as the timezone, and structured address.

Essayer Geocoding API Enter the addresses you want to search in the text field and press "Geocode " to find the corresponding locations.
Addresses à geocoder
  • 1 808 26th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98373, USA
  • 2 808 26th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98373, USA
  • 3 808 26th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98373, USA
  • 4 808 26th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98373, USA
  • 5 808 26th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98373, USA
  • 6 808 26th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98373, USA
  • 7 808 26th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98373, USA
  • 8 808 26th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98373, USA
  • 9 808 26th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98373, USA
  • 10 808 26th Ave SW, Puyallup, WA 98373, USA


Geocoding gives you the corresponding geographical coordinates for a postal address. This is highly valuable to businesses. You can add geographical data to your existing customer data, enable location analytics, and verify postal addresses in payment and shipment forms.

  • Geocoding API also returns valuable information about each location, such as corresponding timezone, and structured and formatted addresses.
  • Geocoding also works with incorrect addresses or addresses with errors or misspellings.
  • Geoapify Geocoding API doesn’t just return the address. It also shows confidence coefficients to help you decide if the address is correct.

Need to get an address by

Reverse geocoding returns corresponding address for given Lat/Lon or GPS coordinates.

This helps you to get the address by customer location or when the user clicks on a map.

Allez à reverse geocoding

Need to get address
suggestions in a drop-down?

Address autocomplete returns suggestions for a given part of the address, starting from a few symbols.

This helps to enter cities, postcodes,
or complete addresses easily.

Allez à adresse autocompelte

Use cases

Our Geocoding API can help your business find locations, and verify and validate addresses.

Find corresponding locations for addresses

  • If you have addresses (for example, a customer database), our API helps you find the corresponding coordinates for them.
  • Use this for analytics and location intelligence. For example, you can analyze your customers' density in different regions and plan marketing campaigns accordingly. Get locations in JSON or CSV formats.
  • Store address and location data on your side without restrictions or additional costs. Do you have millions of addresses to deal with? Then we can geocode them for you. Contact us - we'll work with you to find the best terms and conditions for your needs.

Verify and validate shipmentor payment addresses

Make sure addresses entered in an address form are valid. Checking addresses prevents fraud, and delivery errors.

  • Our Geocoding API returns confidence levels for each address, to help you decide whether the address is valid, or if you need to make additional checks.
  • Here is an example of How to validate and verify addresses >>

Features and capabilities

Features and capabilities

Free-form and structured addresses

You can enter free-form addresses as well as structured addresses. So you can geocode an address string, as well as address components. For example, here are the URLs for a free-form string, and a structured address: A free-form address URL ("11 Rue Grenette, 69002, Lyon, France "):

You can enter free-form addresses as well as structured addresses. So you can geocode an address string, as well as address components. For example, here are the URLs for a free-form string, and a structured address: A free-form address URL ("11 Rue Grenette, 69002, Lyon, France "):

Set filters and narrow your search

The Geoapify Geocoding API accepts additional parameters so you can set a preferred area for your search, or filter results by location:

Search a street near a location (Avenue Francois-Besson near Geneva, Switzerland - 46.197757, 6.137464):,46.197757&apiKey=YOUR_API_KEY
Search a city in the country (Paris city in the United States):
Search within a bounding (Disneyland in the bounding box of Paris, France):,48.624200,2.847246,49.1148054&apiKey=YOUR_API_K
Single Address API Calls

  • Return corresponding location for 1 address
  • Synchronous - you send request and get response
  • 1 API call costs 1 credit
  • Main purpose - real-time address search, address verification / validation

Batch API Calls

  • You can send up to 1000 addresses in one request
  • Asynchronous - you create a geocoding job, and get results with separate request
  • 1 address costs 0.5 credits
  • Main purpose - search and validate a large number of addresses

Geocoding a single address "Adress 12, 60388, Frankfurt, Germany ")
Batch Geocoding call example (HTTP Post)
type: "HTTP POST " url: " " headers: "Content-Type=application/json " body: [ "0605 SW 62nd Avenue, Pinecrest, FL 33156-4019, United States of America ", type: "HTTP POST " url: " " headers: "Content-Type=application/json " body: [ "0605 SW 62nd Avenue, Pinecrest, FL 33156-4019, United States of America ",

Geocoding API code samples

You can call the API with any programming language that allows sending HTTP requests. The following examples show how to make an API call:


  • Create vector and raster maps you can use as a base-map layer for Leaflet, MapLibre GL, OpenLayers, QGIS, and other map libraries and GIS. Or use our Static Maps API to generate map images and map markers. Choose between different map styles and colors to match your app and website design.
  • Create vector and raster maps you can use as a base-map layer for Leaflet, MapLibre GL, OpenLayers, QGIS, and other map libraries and GIS. Or use our Static Maps API to generate map images and map markers. Choose between different map styles and colors to match your app and website design.

  • Create vector and raster maps you can use as a base-map layer for Leaflet, MapLibre GL, OpenLayers, QGIS, and other map libraries and GIS. Or use our Static Maps API to generate map images and map markers. Choose between different map styles and colors to match your app and website design.
  • Create vector and raster maps you can use as a base-map layer for Leaflet, MapLibre GL, OpenLayers, QGIS, and other map libraries and GIS. Or use our Static Maps API to generate map images and map markers. Choose between different map styles and colors to match your app and website design.

  • Create vector and raster maps you can use as a base-map layer for Leaflet, MapLibre GL, OpenLayers, QGIS, and other map libraries and GIS. Or use our Static Maps API to generate map images and map markers. Choose between different map styles and colors to match your app and website design.
  • Create vector and raster maps you can use as a base-map layer for Leaflet, MapLibre GL, OpenLayers, QGIS, and other map libraries and GIS. Or use our Static Maps API to generate map images and map markers. Choose between different map styles and colors to match your app and website design.